目的 :继XIS— Ⅰ 型的基础上应用数字电路、生理压力传感器及单片微机系统研制成XIS—Ⅱ 型 ,对造影剂及注入造影过程中的时间、压力、剂量参数能进行遥控处理。方法 :应用XIS—Ⅱ 型造影装置对 2 7例患者进行涎腺造影 ,与XIS—Ⅰ型造影装置对 30例患者的造影资料进行对比分析。结果:XIS— Ⅱ 型能够控制造影剂注入的剂量、注射的时间以及注射的压力 ,防止了造影剂充盈过度或不足 ,克服推注速度过快导致患者局部疼痛肿胀。结论:XIS—Ⅱ 型能够直接获得造影剂注入的剂量、注射的时间等信息 ,利用注射压力值的大小作为一种定量指标 ,更进一步提高了涎腺疾病的诊断水平。
Objective:[WT5”BZ] By using digital circuit,we add pressure transducer and singlechip microcomputer system tp XIS-Ⅰ in order to realize the remote control of time,pressure and dosesage during the injection of radiographic drugs.[WT5”FZ] Methods:[WT5”BZ]30 cases of sialaden diseases was studied using XIS-Ⅰ radiographic instrument compared to 27 cases using XIS-Ⅱ.[WT5”FZ] Results:[WT5”BZ]The XIS-Ⅱ can control the dosesage,time and pressure of the injection.It prevents the overdose or deficiency of radiographic drugs and conquers the local aching or swell.[WT5”FZ]Conclusion:[WT5”BZ]XIS-Ⅱ can obtain the information of dosage and time of the injection of radiographic drugs making the injected pressure as a ration guideline so that improve the diagnosis level of sialaden diseases even more. [WT5”FZ]