目的 探讨白色念珠菌诱导小鼠胸腺细胞凋亡过程中的基因调控作用。方法 经小鼠尾静脉注射白色念珠菌后 ,采用FCM技术测定胸腺凋亡细胞上 5个凋亡相关基因 ( p5 3,bax ,bcl 2 ,fas和c myc)产物的水平在不同时间组的变化。结果 p5 3和bax两个基因产物的水平明显增加 ;而bcl 2 ,fas和c myc基因产物的水平无明显改变。 结论 白色念珠菌诱导小鼠胸腺细胞凋亡 ,可能是经由基因调控的转录途径机制而发生 ,p5
Aim To investigate the gene regulation effect during the thymocytes' apoptosis induced by candida albicans. Methods FCM technique was adopted to monitor changes of five apoptosisassociated genes in various time groups after intravenous injection of Candida albicans via mouse' tail. Results The dynamic observations displayed that gene product levels of p53 and bax increased significantly, while that of bcl2, fas and cmyc revealed no statistic changes. Conclusion Candida albicansinduced apoptosis of thymocytes in mice is possibly gene regulated by transcriptional pathway, and p53 as well as bax play an important role in this process.
Chinese Journal of Cellular and Molecular Immunology