
东西方文明结合部:俄国研究的一个基本分析范畴 被引量:8

The Intersection of Eastern and Western Civilizations: a research paradigm for Russian studies
摘要 多学科背景下的国别研究需要有若干统摄全局的基本范畴作为分析和诠释性工具的介入。融合人文和社会科学两种研究背景的"东西方文明结合部"这一提法可以作为俄国研究的一个基本分析范畴。本文中的"文明结合部"大体上指的是前苏联所在的"欧亚地区",以及史称为"东欧"的中东欧、东南欧等地区。这一地区由于来自各种民族、语言、宗教与文化的影响的交汇,在宪政制度、经济模态、社会建构、思想意识形态选择等方面都表现出独特性。本文通过对欧亚大陆东西方文明结合部的起源、形成过程、形态的流变、及其外部影响的繁衍等方面的阐述,强调了这一地区和欧亚大陆西部和东部古老文明中心有所不同的独特文明形态;这一地区内部历史发展的多样性;复杂的周边环境所造成的此地区对外关系的紧张度和活跃性;外部环境多样性推动之下,这一地区学习过程中的涮选与偶合等复杂现象。值得注意的是,"文明结合部"现象已经成为当代国际社会,特别是全球化条件下的一种较为普遍现象。这说明了对"文明结合部"范畴进行研究的必要性。 Multidisciplinary country study and area study needs a basic research paradigm for analytical and interpretive intervention. "The Intersection of Eastern and Western Civilizations" is such a research paradigm for Russian studies from a multidisciplinary perspective, which can accommodate research approaches in both humanities and social sciences. Such an "intersection" in this paper roughly refers to the Eurasian region (where former Soviet Union is situated) and the Central-Eastern, Southeastern Europe (historically referred to as "Eastern Europe"). As a result of the amalgamation of varieties of nationalities, languages, religions and cultures, this region displays uniqueness in its choices of constitutional framework, economic model, social construction, and ideology. Through analysis of the origin, formation, transformation and extension of the external influence of this region, this paper highlights the unique forms of civilization in Eurasia that is distinct from that of the western part of Europe-Asian continent and ancient centers of oriental civilizations. On the one hand, as the result of her complicated surrounding area, this region experiences high levels of tensions and vitality in its external relations. On the other hand, the multiplicity in her neighboring region also provides multiple alternatives for Eurasia in her institutional emulation. What is particularly note-worthy is that such "intersection" of civilizations has already become a common phenomenon in contemporary international society, especially during the globalization era. This proves the necessity of our research paradigm on such "intersection".
作者 冯绍雷
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期12-38,共27页 Russian Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“俄国通史(六卷本)”(项目批准号:11&ZD134) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“冷战后俄罗斯政治精英的思想谱系”(项目批准号:11JJDGJW003)的阶段性成果
关键词 东西方文明 结合部 范畴 俄国 思想意识形态 欧亚大陆 国别研究 学科背景 The Intersection of Eastern and Western Civilization, Russia, Nation, Civilization
  • 相关文献


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