
以蛋白质观点探讨台湾地区大豆与绿藻之碳足迹 被引量:1

Carbon footprint investigation on form between soybean and chlorella in Taiwan
摘要 以减碳与考虑粮食问题为背景,拟以蛋白质供给观点,应用生命周期评估方法探讨大豆与绿藻之个案比较,分析台湾大豆与绿藻供给之生命周期能源消耗与碳足迹,并从粮食与减碳等双重观点进行价值探讨.个案大豆与绿藻的生命周期盘查,从摇篮到大门之碳足迹,生产1t蛋白质之大豆所需之碳足迹略低于绿藻,为5.379tCO2-eq.,而绿藻在培养阶段仍有0.7~0.9tCO2-eq.之减碳量.整体来说,以同样生产1t蛋白质,大豆在碳排放略低绿藻,然而随着绿藻培养技术的提升,其单位面积产值将有机会大幅提升,其减碳效益仍有机会提高. Life cycle assessment(LCA) is applied to investigate the energy consumption and carbon footprint between chlorella and soybeans for Taiwan.The results indicate that the soybean is less than chlorella by LCA functional unit.The soybean is slightly less than chlorella for carbon footprint with the value at 5.379 t CO2-eq.under the cradle-to-gate boundary.Furthermore,the chlorella is still with the carbon fixation at 0.7-0.9 t CO2-eq.Overall,the soybean is slightly lower than chlorella on carbon emissions.By the developing technology to enhance the production potential,the chlorella may have the opportunity to enhance significantly on carbon reduction in the future.
出处 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期785-789,共5页 Engineering Journal of Wuhan University
基金 国家科学委员会大学生专题(编号:100CFDA500037)
关键词 碳足迹 大豆 绿藻 carbon footprint soybean chlorella
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