In order to assure the fair development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the regional ecological compensation system, which can be used to compensate the loss of the upstream region of Hebei Province, should be built. The construction of the system should be based on the coordinative development between two principles, namely, the principle of economic development and the principle of burden of beneficiaries, and then we should refer to the domest the subject who should pay the fees and the object who should reee many types of forms, such as implementing the system of the pub system of regional ecological compensation, establishing the mar ment, developing in another region, providing the technological necessary to make reasonable standards and refresh the related r development will come true in this region. ic and overseas experience to define ive the money. And it also contains lic finance payment, setting up the ket mechanism led by the governaid and so on. At last, it is still egulations, so that the sustainable
Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
ecological compensation
establishment of system