The priority claim right in construction projects is an important legal mortgage right, its subject being the construction contractor and its guarantee being limited to the actual expenses of the contractor. The subject of the guarantee is limited to those matters which are implicated in the relationship between the real estate and construction claims. The construction projects which should not go into auction include not only the construction projects which are all [)aid or paid most of the price, but also the projects which involve the fundamental interests of the state. Enrollment is not necessary to the priority claim right in construction projects as it is established when the projects are completed. But it needs an interpleaded cause if the contractors want to possess the right. By learning from the contractor legal hypothec system of Taiwan, China, we suggest that the priority claim right in construction projects should be declared as a legal mortgage right and both pre-mortgage registration system and its actual expenditures range must be determined.
Business Economic Review
priority claim right in construction projects, legal mortgage right, Taiwan, pr~~mortgage registration