
形式化方法在核事故评价系统中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Formal Specification to Evalution System for Nuclear Accident
摘要 核事故评价系统针对核事故发生后第一时间对其进行评价和预测分析,软件可靠性要求高.形式化方法具有严格数学基础,是软件开发最为重要的理论工具.本文首先用UML对系统进行分析建模,采用形式化语言对系统功能进行严格规约描述,提高系统开发的可靠性. Evaluation system for nuclear accident aimed to evaluate and predict the nuclear accident immediately after it happened. The requirement of software reliability is high. For- mal method based on the strict mathematic is the important tool of theory in the software development. This paper used the UML to analyse and modele the system, then formulated specification describe function of system strictly with the specification language, and ad- vanced the reliability of the system development.
出处 《南华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第3期73-78,共6页 Journal of University of South China:Science and Technology
基金 衡阳市2011年科学与技术发展计划基金资助项目(2011KJ14) 衡阳市科技局基金资助项目(2011KG61)
关键词 形式化 Z语言 UML 需求分析 formal specification Z language UML requirement analysis
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