越来越多的研究发现,在半导体圆片加工净化厂房中,除了存在空气悬浮颗粒沾污外,还存在以气相或蒸汽形式存在的分子污染物(Airborne Molecular Contaminants,AMC)。随着特征尺寸(CD)的不断缩小,AMC将会越来越严重地影响圆片加工质量和成品率,并会影响净化厂房内工作人员的身体健康。文章介绍了AMC的分类、来源、危害性、控制标准和方法,希望以此引起人们对AMC的重视,并采取相应的控制措施。
More and more investigations hanve shown that,as the criticle dimension(CD) continually shrinks,in addition to particle contamination,airborne molecular contaminants(AMC) in clean rooms have a detrimental effect on the process and product yield,as well as on the health of the operators and engineers working in clean rooms.The source,effects,control standards of AMC are described to help understand and take appropriate measures to control AMC.
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