在内径φ30 0 mm塔中 ,以空气 -氨 -水为物系 ,对塑料扁环填料的流体力学及传质性进行了研究。获得了该填料的几何特性、泛点填料因子ΦF、压降填料因子ΦP及气相传质单元高度 HOG与气相传质系数 KGa,该研究结果对设计有参考价值。
The hydrodynamic and mass transfer performances of plastic mini ring packing are studied in a φ 300mm ID tower with air NH 3 H 2O system.The geometric characteristics,the factors of flooding point Φ F,the factors of pressure drop Φ P,the height of mass transfer unit based on gas phase H OG and the mass transfer confficient based on gas phase K G a of the packing are obtained.The results are of value to engineering design.
Chemical Industry and Engineering