在非晶半导体超晶格喇曼谱中,从类光学模(TO-Like mode)的半高峰(陡边)宽(HWHM )及峰位置可得到有关微结构的一系列参量:如键角的变化、靠近界面附近处每个键的平均畸变能、层间界面处的张力等物理量、将两组不同调制参数的超晶格情况对比,可更清楚地理解其结构,使人们对非晶硅超晶格的微结构有进一步的了解.
A series of microstructure parameters,such as rms bond angle variation, average distortionenergy per bond near the interface, stress nearby the interface and so on, can be obtained fromthe HWHM (Half Width at Half Maximin) of the TO-like mode and the position of the peaksin Raman spectra of amorphous semiconductor superlattices (a-Si:H/a-SiN_x:H). Comparing twokinds of superlattices with different modulation parameters, one can further appreciate the mi-crostructures of atuorphous semiconductor superlattices.