研究了低芥酸菜籽油、花生油、葵花籽油、橄榄油、蓖麻油和玉米油等植物油用做生物降解液压油基础油的性能。结果表明 :植物油以特殊的分子结构 ,使其具备了不同于矿物基础油的性能 ,它除具有生物可降解性外 ,还具有粘度指数高 ,粘温性能好 ,好的低温流动性、极压抗磨性、水解安定性和对金属材料的配伍性的特性。但氧化安定性很差 ,有可能通过植物油改质或加入高效氧化抑制剂来提高植物油的抗氧化性能。植物油可用做环保型液压油基础油 ,显示出广阔的发展前景。
The performances of some vegetable oils,such as conola oil,peanut oil,sunflower oil,olive oil,castor oil and corn oil used as basestocks for biodegradable hydraulic fluids,were studied.The results showed that the vegetable oils have special chemical structure and their properties are different from mineral oil. Besides biodegradability,they have high viscosity index,good viscosity temperature behavior and low temperature flow property,EP antiwear property,hydrolytic stability as well as the compatibility with metal materials.But their oxidation stability are poor.It could be overcome by modifying the vegetable oils or adding high efficient oxidation inhibitors. It shows broad prospects as a basestock of enviromentally acceptable hydraulic fluids.
Lubricating Oil