

Antibiotic-resistant "Superbug" and Research of New Anti-bacterial Drugs
摘要 近几年,耐药性新型"超级细菌"的屡屡出现,主要是滥用抗生素的结果,这引起了各国科学家和医药工作者的广泛关注。已知细菌的耐药机制主要包括产生灭活酶、改变靶位、主动外运、生物被膜屏障、外膜通透性降低等。目前,生物医药研究人员主要从微生物、动物和中草药中筛选和开发新型抗生素和抗菌药。此外,人工合成抗菌药也日渐兴起。 In recent years, new antibiotic-resistant " superbugs" frequently appeared because of the misuse of antibiotics so that scientists and medical workers in all countries worried. Bacterial drug-re- sistance mechanisms included produce inactivated enzyme, change targets, active Sinotrans, biofilm barrier, decreased outer membrane permeability and so on. At present ,researchers screen new antibi- otics and antibacterial agents mainly from microorganisms, animals and Chinese herbal medicine. In addition, synthetic antimicrobial agents are increasingly emerging.
出处 《江西科学》 2012年第6期757-761,801,共6页 Jiangxi Science
关键词 超级细菌 耐药机制 新药研发 Superbugs, Drug-resistance mechanisms, Research of new antibacterial drugs
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