为准确掌握雌性黑猩猩排卵时间以利于人工授精,自2008年1月至2009年6月对长春市动植物公园1只成龄雌性黑猩猩发情表现进行观察,记录发情周期天数,并用不孕检测试纸测定促黄体生成素(LH)的分泌情况。结果显示:黑猩猩发情周期平均35.6 d。跟踪测试黑猩猩的3个发情周期尿液中的LH分泌水平,结果为LH峰值在40~60之间,且峰值出现在发情周期的第21天左右。
For artificial insemination for chimpanzees at an accurate ovulating time, during January, 2008 and June, 2009, a mature female chimpanzee in Changehun Zoological and Botanic Garden was exploited for recording estrus cycles, observing related sexual performance and testing LH with infertility im- munochmmatographic paper. The results showed that the average period of the cycle was 35.6 days. The peak of LH values in urine was between 40 - 60, and the peak of the cycle appeared in the first 21 days
Journal of Economic Animal