
一个双重边缘化的可怜人——论《北迁季节》中穆斯塔法的悲剧 被引量:2

A Poor and Dual-marginalized Character——A Study of Mustafa's Tragedy in Season of Migration to the North
摘要 《北迁季节》由苏丹作家塔伊卜·萨利赫创作的小说,主要反映阿拉伯普通民众在后殖民时期的现状。该小说一度被评论界评为"60年代以来阿拉伯长篇小说的最佳之作"。穆斯塔法是该小说无名叙述者口中的重要人物,他出生于苏丹,却又受过西方高等教育,然而却难以融入这两边中的任何一边。边缘化的身份难以得到认同,本文通过分析穆斯塔法难以得到西方和族人阿拉伯国家认同的边缘化处境,探析穆斯塔法的悲剧。 The Season of Migration to the North is a great novel created by the Sudanese author Tayeb Salih, which re.fleets the Arabic people's situation during the postcolonial period. The novel has been rewarded the best Arabic novel in 60 years. Mustafa in this novel is the very important role narrated by the unnamed narrator. He was born in Sudan and received the higher education in the West. However, he can immerge in either side. The identity of marginalizatiov cannot be accepted. This paper is to explore the tragedy of Mustafa, analyz" ing Mustafa's marginalized situation that cannot accepted by both the West and the Arab.
作者 赵晋明
机构地区 云南师范大学
出处 《齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报》 2012年第6期42-43,共2页 Journal of Qiqihar Junior Teachers College
关键词 穆斯塔法 边缘化 身份认同 悲剧 Mustafa marginalization identity acceptance tragedy
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