

Identification of the very High Redshift(z_(em)>4.7) quasar absorption lines
摘要 文章利用美国SDSS望远镜观测的类星体光谱,在IDL可视化程序平台中进行处理,处理过程包括消光改正、扣除连续谱和铁谱、扣除发射线、认证吸收线等。通过对甚高红移(Zem>4.7)类星体光谱的分析,证认出281个MgⅡλλ2796,2803双线吸收系统。 By analyzing quasar absorption lines,we are able to get information of the ab- sorber redshift, density, temperature,abundance of elements, etc.. These data are useful for stud- ying the structure and evolution of the universe. We download the data of of quasar spectra observed by the sloan digital sky survey(SDSS) telescope in USA,and analyze them in a IDL visualization program platform. The process of analysis includes the extinction correction and the co-moving frame correction,taking out the continuous,the iron emission,and the emission lines,as well as the identification of absorption lines. In this way,we have identified 281 Mg II double absorption systems.
出处 《百色学院学报》 2012年第6期104-108,共5页 JOURNAL OF BAISE UNIVERSITY
基金 广西自然科学基金面上项目(2012jjAA10090)
关键词 类星体 吸收线 红移 quasars, absorption lines, redshift
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