
脐橙溃疡病的一类数字图像识别算法的设计与应用 被引量:1

The Design & Application of a Type of Digital Image Recognition Algorithm for Navel Orange Canker
摘要 将计算机视觉技术应用于脐橙病害的监测,实现了脐橙溃疡病的自动识别.基于HSV颜色模型,分析了脐橙叶子的色调分布;应用数学形态学算子,获取疑似脐橙溃疡病病斑;再利用脐橙溃疡病病斑图像的纹理特征,进行脐橙溃疡病的确认.实验结果表明,提出的方法能较好地识别出脐橙溃疡病病斑. The paper applies computer vision technology to monitor navel orange di seases and pests,and implements the automatic Recognition of the navel orange c anker.Firstly,analyze the hue distribution of navel orange leaves using HSV co lor model.Next,extract suspected navel orange canker lesion using mathematical morphology operators.Finally,confirm the navel orange canker by navel orange canker lesion image texture features.Experimental results show that the propose d method can be used to identify the navel orange canker lesion effectively.
作者 严深海
出处 《赣南师范学院学报》 2012年第6期37-41,共5页 Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
关键词 脐橙 溃疡病 颜色模型 数学形态学 纹理 navel orange canker color model mathematical morphology texture
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