对正激转换器的工作特点进行了阐述.通过状态空间平均法,构造了正激转换器的小信号模型.设计的控制器使用在此转换器中的带宽为10 kHz,并具有足够的相位裕量.最后构造了正激转换器的闭环仿真模型,证实了其动态性能.仿真结果表明了该设计的可行性.
The work characteristics of forward converters are described.Via the a verage-state-space method,the small-signal model of forward converters is const ructed.The design of the controller is given to be used in this converter with the maximum control bandwidth of 10 kHz as well as an adequate phase margin.A c losed-loop simulink model for the converter is constructed and the dynamical per formance demonstrated.Simulation results show the feasibility of the design.
Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))