
兴仁换流站交流滤波器组开断方案 被引量:4

The Breaking Scheme of AC filters in Xingren Converter Station
摘要 以贵广Ⅱ回直流模型为基础,应用PSCAD/EMTDC仿真分析了滤波器小组断路器在不同的分断方式、不同的分闸时间下断口间过电压及容性电流的大小。结果显示,滤波器分闸时在断口之间的最大暂态过电压与电流基本呈一个反比关系;最佳分断角度为在电压角度为100°~110°或者280°~290°。 Based on the Guizhou-Guangdong DC line II project model, the switch-off voltage and the capacitative current of AC filters with different breaking modes and break-time are analyzed by PSCAD/EMTDC, and the results show that there is an inverse relationship between the temporary overvoltage and the current during the process of AC filters switching off, and the optimum switching angle is 100°-110°or 280°-290°.
出处 《南方电网技术》 2012年第6期37-40,共4页 Southern Power System Technology
关键词 交流滤波器组 分闸过电压 PSCAD AC filter groups over voltage ofbreakings PSCAD
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