

The Role Played by "Three Masters in the Early Song Dynasty" in the Confucian Transformation during the Tang and Song Dynasties
摘要 "宋初三先生"在唐宋儒学转型过程中的作用及影响主要体现在三个方面:第一,诠释经典方面,在经典范围上既重视五经又开始关注四书,在解经风气上从信奉传疏到怀疑经传,在解经内容上从以三纲五常到形上性命解释;第二,道统排佛方面,在道统谱系上较为庞杂,在道统人物评价上提高了孟子和扬雄的地位,在排佛老方面既从现实危害角度排佛又开始从概念理论角度排佛;第三,在形上心性方面,胡瑗提出和重视"理"概念,他的心性学说具有一定的杂糅性,其弟子徐积的学问具有"心学"特色,孙复和石介也有一些对心性的看法。 The role played by 'three masters in the early Song Dynasty' in the Confucian transformation during the Tang and Song Dynasties embodies the following three aspects.Firstly,while interpreting the classics,they pay much attention not only to the Five Classics but also to the Four Books;they would rather query the classics than believe in them;they try to interpret the classics firstly from the perspective of the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues,and then from the perspective of the theory of mind and nature.Secondly,they approve of Confucian orthodoxy and reject Buddhism and Taoism.The Confucian orthodoxy pedigree is relatively complicated.When they evaluate the figures who are for Confucian orthodoxy,they speak highly of Mencius and Yang Xiong.They reject Buddhism and Taoism both in reality and in theory.Lastly,they have developed the theory of mind and nature,a kind of metaphysical theory.Hu Yuan puts forward the concept of li and pays much attention to it.His theory of mind and nature is somewhat mixed.His student Xu Ji's thought bears the characteristics of philosophy of mind.Sun Fu and Shi Jie also express their views on mind and nature.
作者 张义生
出处 《青岛大学师范学院学报》 2012年第4期94-101,共8页 Journal of Teachers College Qingdao University
关键词 宋初三先生 胡瑗 孙复 石介 宋代新儒学 three masters in the early Song Dynasty Hu Yuan Sun Fu Shi Jie the Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty
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  • 1朱长文.乐圃余稿[A].
  • 2程颢;程颐.二程集:上[M]北京:中华书局,1981.
  • 3韩愈.韩昌黎文集[M]上海:上海古籍出版社,1986.
  • 4朱熹.四书章句集注[M]北京:中华书局,1983.
  • 5程颢;程颐.二程集:下[M]北京:中华书局,1981.
  • 6石介.徂徕石先生文集[M]北京:中华书局,1984.
  • 7孙复.孙明复小集[A].
  • 8张载.张载集[M]北京:中华书局,1978.
  • 9吴泳.鹤林集[A].
  • 10徐积.节孝集[A].








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