1John Higham. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925[M]. New York: Atheneum Press, 1981.
2Nancy Foner. From Ellis Island to JFK: New York's Two Great Waves of Immigration[M] New Haven: Yale University,2000.
3David A. Gerber. Anti-Semitism in American History[M].Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986.
4Richard J. Meister. Race and Ethnicity in Modern America[M].Lexington: D.C. Health and Company, 1974.
5Stanley Feldstein & Lawrence Costello. The Ordeal of Assimilation: A Documentary History of the White Working Class, 1830s - 1930[M]. New York: Anchor Books, 1974.
6Jacob Rii. How the Half Lives, New York, 1890[Z].<http: //tenant. net/community/Riis> .
7Alan M. Kraut. The Huddle Mass: The Immigrant in American Society, 1880 - 1921[M] . Arlington Heights, Illinois: Harlan Davidson Inc, 1982.
8Stephen Birminghan. The Rest of "us": The Rise of American's Eastern European Jews[M]. Boston: Little Browns, 1984.
9Abraham J, Karp. Golden Door to America: the Jewish Immigrant Experience[M]. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.
10George E. Pozzetta. American Ethnicity and Immigration Serials[M]. New York: Garland Publishers, 1991.