目的:研究并分析2000~2010年潍坊市孕产妇死亡情况,探讨孕产妇死亡的主要原因及变化趋势,寻求降低孕产妇死亡率的有效途径。方法:根据潍坊市所辖县(市、区)妇幼保健院(站)上报的2000年1月~2010年12月孕产妇死亡原始记录及市级孕产妇死亡病例评审情况,对孕产妇死亡原因进行回顾性分析。结果:2000~2010年潍坊市出生活产数875 511例,死亡孕产妇123例,平均孕产妇死亡率为14.05/10万。前5年平均孕产妇死亡率为21.10/10万,后6年平均孕产妇死亡率为8.66/10万,下降了12.44/10万,下降幅度明显。孕产妇前4位主要死亡原因分别为产科出血、羊水栓塞、妊娠合并内科疾病、妊娠期高血压疾病。结论:降低潍坊市孕产妇死亡率的措施包括:加强基层医院产科质量建设和专业技术培训,提高其对高危妊娠的识别、处理水平及转诊及时率;提高孕产妇系统保健率,加强孕产妇高危专案管理;加大健康教育宣传力度,提高孕产妇及家庭成员的自我保健意识。
Objective: !T0 research and analyze the status of maternal:death in Weifang city from 2000 to 2010, explore themain causes and change trend of maternal death, and seek effective ways to reduce maternal mortality. Methods: The causes of maternal death were ~nalyzed retrospectively according tO original records of maternal death and appraisal conditions of maternal deaths at city level reported by maternal and child health hospitals (stations) at county ( city, district) level in Weifang city from January 2000 to December 2010. Re- suits : A total 0f 875 51 l live neonateS were born in Weifang city from 2000 to 2010, 123 pregnant women died, the mean maternal mortality was 14.:05/L00 000.~ Thelmean: rnaternal mortalities inthe former five years and the latter six years were 21.10/100 000 and 8.66/100 Q00, respectively, decreasing by 12. 44/100 000, the amplitude of.decrease was obvious. The top four causes of maternal death were obstetrical hemorrhage; amniotie fluiAi embolism, pregnancy ~combined with medical diseases, and hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy. Con- clusion: The measures to red^ee .maternal mortality in ~eifang city include strengthening obstetrical quality construction and specialized technical training ia primary:!hgspitals, improving cognitive and coping levels to high risk pregnancy and timely transferring rate, improving materna~ System health care rate, enhancing :maternal high risk project management, strengthening publicity of health education, and impro- ving self - health care consciousness of pregnant women and family members.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
Maternal mortality
Cause of death
Influencing factor