
论《尤利西斯》中的宗教批判 被引量:5

Criticism on Religion in Ulysses
摘要 宗教是《尤利西斯》中压迫青年艺术家斯蒂芬的"两个主子"之一,也是乔伊斯重点批判的对象之一。乔伊斯批判天主教主要是由于天主教的僵化教条将爱尔兰进一步推向经济贫困和文化窒息的深渊,它实际上充当了英国殖民主义者的同谋;而乔伊斯批判新教则是因为新教为了维护英国殖民者的利益丑化天主教,并将少数族裔和女性当作殖民者罪行的替罪羊。当然,乔伊斯批判宗教的目的是借批判作为文化主战场的宗教揭露爱尔兰国内的民族主义、天主教、新教、殖民主义等势力间错综复杂的政治关系。 Religion is not only one of the ' two masters ' who are oppressing the young artist Stephen,but also one of the main targets for Joyce's criticism in Ulysses.Joyce criticizes the Catholic Church because the Catholic Church is in fact the conspiracy of British colonialists and it pushes Ireland further into the abyss of poverty and cultural suffocation.Joyce criticizes the Protestant Church because in order to protect the interests of British colonialists,the Protestant Church demonizes the Catholic Church and makes the minority nations and women scapegoats of the British colonialists.Of course,the purpose for Joyce's attack on religion is to expose the complicated political relationships of nationalism,Catholicism,Protestantism,and colonialism in Ireland by portraying religion as a major battlefield for cultural conflicts.
作者 申富英
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期44-50,157-158,共7页 Foreign Literature
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"<尤利西斯>文本研究"(10YJA752025)
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