
基于DEA三阶段模型的中国高新技术产业效率研究 被引量:17

摘要 采用三阶段DEA模型分析法,研究2010年我国31个地区高新技术产业效率。研究结果显示:环境和随机干扰因素对我国高新技术产业效率影响显著,虚高了综合技术效率水平,且对中西部地区影响较大;规模效率不足是制约综合技术效率水平主因,但其提升空间相对较大,全国26个非综合技术有效地区规模效率递增率高达100%,因此,加大规模投入是综合技术效率水平提升的首选途径。区域差异明显主要反映在中西部与东部地区之间,全国高新技术产业综合技术效率水平总体呈东、中、西高低排列,其中,中西部地区规模效率的巨大鸿沟是其综合技术效率不足的根源。 The paper studies the hi-tech industrial efficiencies in 31 administrative regions of China in 2010 with the three-stage DEA model. The results show that the environment and random factors generate significant influences on the high-tech industrial efficiencies in China by inflating the level of comprehensive technical efficiency, and have a great influence on the middle and western regions; insufficient scale efficiency is the main cause that restricts the promotion of technical efficiency while the scale efficiency has a large room for improvement and the progressive rate of scale efficiency in 26 inefficient DMU is up to 100%. Therefore, increasing the scale of investment is the preferred way to improve the comprehensive technical efficiency. There is a significant regional difference between the middle and western region and the eastern region. The arrangement from high to low level of the comprehensive technical effieiencies of our country goes down from the eastern and middle region to the western region A great gap of the scale efficiency in the middle and western region is the original reason of the insufficient comprehensive technical efficiency.
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2013年第1期116-120,共5页 Enterprise Economy
基金 2010年甘肃省技术研究与开发专项计划基金项目“甘肃省市州科技竞争力评价分析研究”(批准号:1004TCYA014)
关键词 高新技术产业 三阶段DEA模型 效率 中国 high-tech industry three-stage DEA model efficiency China
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