To boost the effective industry-university-academy cooperation is one of the efficient approaches adopted by governments to enhancing policy intervention on technology innovation. Governments' managements on indus- try-university-academy cooperation is to, on the basis of clearly defining respective expected objectives of these three cooperative parties, enhance the stakeholders' cooperative intentions by combining different policy tools, wherein the basic policy tool is evaluation management and the core is a well-designed evaluation system. This pa- per selects the I/UCRC program as a case study and analyses the appraisal methods used in its evaluation sys- tem. On the basis of the above analyses, this paper describes the specific evaluation objectives and flows which are applicable to the management of the industry-university-academy cooperation in China. Also the specific evalua- tion indexes and evaluation methods are summarised. Finally an evaluation system which is applicable to evaluate the cooperation between universities, academies and industries in China is proposed and built.
Science of Science and Management of S.& T.