
企业云存储数据的加密与密文全文检索研究 被引量:9

Enterprise Data Encryption and Ciphertext Fulltext Retrieval on Cloud Storage
摘要 将密文规则的基于属性加密技术同Lucene全文索引技术相结合,提出适合云存储中密文数据全文检索的方法;针对云存储的特点改进了密文规则的基于属性加密技术.给出了设置在企业端的私有安全模型,并基于Lucene全文索引引擎以及改进的密文规则的基于属性加密方案开发设计了密文全文检索服务和数据加密与访问控制服务.在Eucalyptus云平台上实现了该安全模型的主要服务模块.该安全模型较好地解决了企业数据云存储的机密性与密文全文检索问题. Based on ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption and full text indexing technology of Lucene, a method of ciphertext data in full text indexing and retrieving is proposed for cloud storage applications. An improved ciphertext-policy attribute-based en- cryption is presented according to features of cloud storage applications. A security model deployed in enterprise sides is proposed. Services of data encryption, ciphertext fulltext retrieval and access control are designed based on Lucene full text indexing engine and the improved ciphertext-policy attribute-based encrypfion. The security model can be used to solve the problem of data confidential and ciphertext full text retrieval of an enterprise in the cloud storage properly.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期429-432,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会与中国民用航空局联合项目(60979011)资助
关键词 云存储 机密性 密文访问控制 密文检索 cloud storage confidentiality ciphertext access control ciphertext retrieval
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