
黄曲霉毒素解毒酶制剂对饲喂AFB_1日粮肉仔鸡生长性能及血液生理生化指标的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Aflatoxin-detoxifizyme on Growth Performance and Blood Biochemical and Physiological Parameters of Broiler Chickens with Dietary Aflatoxin B1
摘要 通过研究黄曲霉毒素解毒酶制剂(ADTZ)对饲喂含黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)日粮的肉仔鸡生长性能及血液生理生化指标影响,探讨其应用效果。选用672只1日龄AA肉仔鸡随机分为3个处理,每处理设8个重复;分别饲喂基础饲粮、基础饲粮+0.1mg/kgAFB1、基础饲粮+0.1mg/kgAFB1+0.2%ADTZ,试验期42d。结果表明:①与对照组相比,AFB1组平均日增重显著降低(P<0.05),料重比显著提高(P<0.05),日采食量呈下降趋势(P>0.1);ADTZ组生长性能得到改善,与AFB1组相比,日采食量和日增重均显著提高(P<0.05),料重比呈下降趋势(P>0.1);②AFB1组肉仔鸡血清中天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)活性显著提高(P<0.05),丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)活性提高了13.64%(P=0.094);与AFB1组相比较,ADTZ组血清中AST活性降低了6.46%(P=0.066),ALT活性呈降低趋势(P>0.1)。③各处理对对血清中生长激素、甲状腺激素T3和T4、胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅰ和胰岛素含量影响均不显著(P>0.1)。 This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of aflatoxin-detoxifizyme on growth pedormance, blood biochemical and physiological parameters in AA broiler fed with dietary aflatoxin B1,and investigated the applicalion efibct. 672 1-day-age AA broilers were randomly divided into 3 groups, 8 replicates per group with same sex ratio and fed with basal diet,basal diet+0.1 mg/kg AFB1 and basal diet+0.1 mg/kg AFB,+0.2% ADTZ,respectively. The trial lasted for 42 days. The results showed that:①compared with the contro|,in AFB, group, average daily gain (ADC,) was decreased significantly (P〈0.05),feed/gain (F/G) was increased (P〈0.05),and average daily feed intake (ADFI) was decreased (P〉0.1);growth periormance of chickens was improved in ADTZ group,compared with AFB, group, ADGand ADFI were raised significantly (P〈0.05),while F/G was decreased (P〉0.1). ②in AFB1 group,serum aspartate amino transferase (AST) activity was increased significantly (P〈0.05), alanine amino transferase (ALT)activity was increased 13.64% (P=0.094) compared with that of AFB1 group, serum AST activities of ADTZ group were decreased 6.64% (P=0.066),ALT activities were decreased (P〉0.1).③the levels of growth hormone, T3 and T4,insulin-like growth factor-I, insulinum had no significant difference among the three treatments.
出处 《中国家禽》 北大核心 2013年第2期30-33,共4页 China Poultry
关键词 血液生理生化指标 AA肉仔鸡 黄曲霉毒素 AFB1 生长性能 酶制剂 饲喂 日粮 broiler chickens aflatoxin-detoxifizyme aflatoxin B1 growth performance biochemical and physiological parameters
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