

The Design of 7 bit digit Radar IF phase shifter
摘要 移相器是相控阵雷达、卫星通信、移动通信设备中的核心组件,它的工作频带、插入损耗直接影响着这些设备的抗干扰能力和灵敏度,以及系统的重量、体积和成本。本文介绍一种由电压比较器控制的七级T型LC移相网络,七级网络分别移相2.81°、5.62°、11.24°、22.5°、45°、90°、180°。电压比较器输出高电平或者低电平来控制这各级移相网络是否接入,实现信号0°~360°的相移。 The phase shifter is the key component of phased array radar, mobile communication and satellite. The phase shifter's working frequency band and insertion loss have a great influence on the antijamming and sensitivity of these instruments, as well as their weight, volume and cost. This article introduced a new 7 bit digit phase shifter controlled by the voltage comparator which consist of seven T shape LC network. The phase shift of seven network is 2.81°, 5.62°, 11.24°, 22.5°, 45°, 90°, 180°.It can achieve phase shift 0° to 360°.
作者 姚蛟
出处 《中国西部科技》 2013年第2期71-72,84,共3页 Science and Technology of West China
关键词 移相器 雷达 低插损 电压比较器 Phase shifter Radar Low insertion loss Voltage comparator
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