随着网络技术的发展 ,GIS操作平台也面临着向互联网移植的挑战。针对当前网络地理信息系统开发的基本技术路线和功能、特点 ,分析了当前网络技术开发中必须解决的若干关键技术问题 ,并在此基础上 ,开发了一个系统原型。该原型选择适当的网络合成方案 ,解决了网上地理信息系统开发中的部分关键问题 ,为应用系统从传统的 Intranet向
Web\|based GIS system development is a trend in both IT and GIS fields. It's predicted that GIS platform will be transformed from present local or Intranet one to Internet in the near future. In this article, WebGIS was technically analyzed on its technology characteristic and development schemes. And some key technical issues on development of an WebGIS were discussed in detail here. Then a practical development scheme was designed and a prototype system was developed basing on it, which give us some valuable experience on a practical WebGIS development.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application