
促进我国城乡居民消费公平的财政支出结构优化分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Financial Expenditure Structure Optimization to Promote the Consumption Fairness of Urban and Rural Residents in China
摘要 城乡居民消费公平直接影响社会公平与经济公平的实现,对我国社会的和谐发展有着重要意义。文章利用我国1980-2010年相关数据,建立了关于财政分类支出与城乡居民消费支出差距的误差修正模型,实证结果表明,短期内经济建设支出和行政服务支出扩大了城乡居民消费差距,长期时经济建设支出有利于实现城乡消费公平,行政服务支出则相反;共享发展支出短期内有利于缩小城乡居民消费差距,长期则相反。因此,应进一步优化我国财政支出结构,从而实现城乡居民消费公平。 The fairness of the urban and rural residents' consumption directly influences the realization of social fairness and the economic fairness, and it has important significance on development of harmonious society in China. This article uses the related data from 1980 to 2010, establishes the error correction model on finance classification spending and urban and rural residents consumer spending gap. The empirical results indicate that economic construction spending and administrative ser- vice spending expand the consumption gap between urban and rural residents in the short ternl, economic construction spend- ing conducive to the realization of urban and rural consumption fairness in the long-term, while administrative service spend- ing is on the contrary., in the short term sharing development spending is benefit for narrowing urban and rural residents con- sumption gap, and in the long-term is opposite. Therefore, it should further optimization of fiscal expenditure structure, so as to realize the urban and rural residents consumption fairness.
作者 罗志红 朱青
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2013年第2期38-41,共4页 East China Economic Management
基金 江西省"十二五"社科规划研究项目(12YJ06)
关键词 消费公平 长期均衡 财政支出结构优化 consumption fairness long-term equilibrium fiscal expenditure structure optimizing
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