
吸入蔺草粉尘所致尘肺患者的胸部X线表现 被引量:1

Chest X-Ray Performances of Patients with Lung Diseases Due to Breathing in Rush Dust
摘要 目的分析因吸入蔺草粉尘所致尘肺(蔺草性尘肺)患者的胸部X线表现。方法搜集2009年4月—2011年7月本镇22家蔺草生产企业中有明确蔺草粉尘接触的相关人员,通过胸部X线片检查后进行筛选,对65例初诊为蔺草性尘肺患者的胸部X线表现进行分析。结果 65例患者中,男15例,年龄33~82岁;女50例,年龄33~73岁;男女比例约1∶3.31。胸部X线表现主要有:(1)25例两中上肺野弥漫性小圆形阴影;(2)15例两肺粟粒性病灶,病灶大小、分布略不均匀;(3)8例两肺或单肺大圆形团块状阴影;(4)7例两肺散在斑点状小阴影伴两肺云雾状改变;(5)6例两肺散在斑片状、斑点状及条索状混合性阴影;(6)4例两肺粟粒性病灶,分布、大小、密度都均匀。结论蔺草性尘肺患者的胸部X线表现具有一定特征性,主要是病灶分布、形态及密度。故胸部X线片检查可作为蔺草性尘肺患者病程监测和病变评判的主要方法。 Objective To investigate the performance of chest X-ray taken from pneumoconiosis patients who breathed in rush dust. Methods Workers who work in 22 factories filled with rush dust from April 2009 to July 2011 were given chest X-ray.X-ray performances of 65 workers initially diagnosed as pneumoconiosis due to rush dust were retrospectively analyzed. Results Among these 65 cases,15 were males aged from 33 to 82 and 50 were females aged from 33 to 73 with a male female ratio of 1∶3.31.The chest X-ray performances were:(1) 25 cases had little round diffuse shadows in the upper lungs.(2) 25 cases had miliary lesions with slightly uneven distribution and size.(3) 8 cases had large round lumpy shadows scattered in two lungs or one lung.(4) 7 cases had small round shadows scattered in both lungs and had cloud-shaped changes.(5) 6 cases had mixture shadows of patch-shaped,blotch-shaped or cord-like sheet scattered in both lungs.(6) 4 cases had miliary lesions with uniform distribution,size and density. Conclusion The chest X-ray performances of pneumoconiosis patients due to rush dust have unique characteristics in distribution,size and density.Chest X-ray can be used as the major method for the monitoring and evaluation of pneumoconiosis caused by rush dust.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期350-353,共4页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 蔺草粉尘 尘肺 体层摄影术 X线 诊断 Rush dust Pneumoconiosis Tomography X-ray Diagnosis
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