
播撒鲁迅精神的种子——关于教材中的鲁迅 被引量:6

Spread the Weed of Lu Xun's Spirit——On Lu Xun in Textbooks
摘要 传播鲁迅作品的重要途径是教学,在鲁迅作品的受众中,中学生应该是一个最主要的群体。他们中的有些人正是因为在中学接受了鲁迅作品的陶冶,对其以后人格的生成和学养的提高都产生了难以估量的作用。教材是传播经典的有效途径,鲁迅作品不仅教人如何作文,提高读者的文化素质,而且教人如何做人,提高读者的道德情操;单纯从语言文字的角度,鲁迅作品也堪称范本。所以,鲁迅作品作为中国文学的经典,被选入语文教材不仅是出于编者的慧眼,而且是历史的必然选择。民国时期,鲁迅作品被选入教材的数量远远超出了新中国成立后,而且在解放区也享有崇高的文化地位。"文革"前,中学语文教材中选收的鲁迅作品,约占全册课文的1/30至1/16,大多为全文,也有节选。"文革"期间,鲁迅作品在语文教材中仍占据了显赫的位置,不过,在为现实政治服务的思想指导下,很多作品遭到了实用主义的解读。进入新时期以后,在多元化语境中,鲁迅作品中表达的一些信念和原则经常受到质疑,甚至出现了鲁迅作品是否应该从语文教材中"大撤退"的讨论,反映了不同意见双方对当今时代的不同认识和对当今需求的不同理解。由于鲁迅作品中语言文字具有的模糊性、多义性、复指性,意义具有的不确定性;又由于讲授这些作品历史情境的差异,教师和学生审美情趣、价值取向的不同,因而对同一文本往往会产生不尽相同的理解。不过,新时期的鲁迅作品教学无论在观点和方法上都有很多新的突破。鲁迅作品在国外和我国港、澳、台地区,也不同程度地被选入了教材,尤其在日本和朝鲜的影响比较广泛。 Teaching is an important way to spread the spirit of Lu Xun's works, and places an immeasurable part in the forming of personality and improvement of education of many middle schoolers when they grow up. Lu Xun's works are chosen to be part of the textbooks because of the editors'sision and choice of the history. During the year 1911 to 1949, there were much more Lu Xun works than the year after 1949, and they were very valued in Liberation District. Before Cultural Revolution, Lu Xun's works took up 1/30 to 1/16 of the whole textbooks, with some complete passages and excerpt. During Cultural Revolution, Lu Xun's works were very important and were misinterpret pragmatically under the guideline of politics. In the wake of new period, some beliefs and principles in Lu Xun's works were challenged in the muhicontextual environment, and discussions about whether to remove Lu Xun's works from textbooks were held, which reflect the different understanding and demand of both parties. People have various interpretation of Lu Xun's works, due to fuzziness, ambiguity, coreferent and uncertainty in meaning, as well as the differences of the time when people read the works, and the differences of aesthetic interest and value of teachers and students. However, there are some breakthrough in the views and approaches in the teaching of Lu Xun's works in the new period. Lu Xun's works are chosen into textbooks in foreign countries as well as in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, especially in Japan and North Korean.
作者 陈漱渝
机构地区 鲁迅博物馆
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第1期122-130,共9页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 鲁迅作品 中学语文教材 鲁迅精神 Lu Xun's works school textbooks Lu Xun's spirit
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