本文作者利用布伦舍斯特基金会(Brenthurst Foundation)最近的两项研究,分析中非关系的变迁,特别是中国投资对非洲大陆的影响。长期以来,中国对非洲的投资被国际舆论简单地归于两面:好的或坏的。他们认为非洲大陆并没有从与中国日益密切的联系中获得更大的发展红利,虽然有部分中国的因素,但主要是非洲自身的原因。因此,为了更好地利用中国对大宗商品的庞大需求,非洲需要更加积极主动、有前瞻性地定位其切身利益。本文认为,对于基建、制造业和地方就业等所有这些非洲表达出担心的领域,中国投资给非洲带来了净收益。
This article analyzes the evolving China-Africa relationship with particular reference to the competing perspectives on the impact of Chinese investment on the continent's development. It also highlights potential flashpoints in future Chinese-African relations and the dangers inherent in Africa's heavy reliance on Chinese demand for resources. The article concludes that China's investment in Africa has for too long been assessed in binary terms, good or bad. Notwithstanding some troubling aspects to China's role in Africa, that the continent has not derived a more substantial development ‘dividend’ from its burgeoning ties with China is largely down to its own failings. In order to better exploit the growth of Chinese demand for its commodities, Africa needs to be more proactive in defining its own interests.
International Economic Review