
微创旋切技术在乳腺多发性肿块手术中的应用 被引量:11

Application of minimally invasive rotary biopsy device to removal of multiple breast neoplasm
摘要 目的:探讨在处理乳腺多发性肿块时微创旋切手术的临床应用价值。方法:经术前体检和B超检查诊断为乳腺多发性肿块的65例患者共188个乳腺病灶,在超声引导实时监控下利用EnCor真空旋切系统进行切除,并对手术情况、病理结果、患者满意度及可能存在的问题进行相应分析。结果:65例患者所有188个病灶均被完整切除,长径为0.5~3.6 cm,其中113个为不可触及肿块,占60%,平均用时15 min。术中2例发生出血,其中1例术后在病灶处出现较为明显的血肿;2例病灶贴近皮肤,术时造成皮肤损伤;所有手术部位无残留病灶。伤口愈合情况,2例切口部位可见较为明显的瘢痕,可能与瘢痕体质或穿刺切口对合不良有关。结论:利用EnCor真空旋切系统进行乳房多发性肿块的微创切除,手术安全性高,恢复快,并发症少,美容效果突出,患者满意度高,对切除乳腺深处不可触及的肿块尤其合适,应用前景良好。 Objective :To assess the clinical value of applying minimally invasive rotary biopsy device to removal of the of multiple breast neoplasm. Methods : Sixty-five patients ( total 188 breast lesions ) , confirmed preoperatively with multiple breast neoplasm by conventional physical examination and type-B ultrasonic detection, underwent removal of the masses with EnCor vacuum rotary biopsy system under the guidance of realtime uhrasonography, and the results were analyzed concerning the operation, pathological findings, patient' s satisfaction and potential problems. Results :The total 188 focuses in 65 patients were thoroughly removed. The masses varied from 0.5 to 3.6 cm in diameter by longitudinal measurement, and 113 were impalpable lesions (60%). The operation duration was 15 min on average. Intraoperative hemorrhage occurred in 2 cases in which one developed palpable postoperative hematoma at the lesion. Cutaneous injury occurred in another 2 due to the lesion proximate to the skin, yet no residual lesions remained. Evident scar was seen at the incision in 2 cases, which was potentially associated with the scar diathesis of the patients or poor healing of the needle incision. Conclusion :EnCor vacuum rotary biopsy system can be safely applied to removal of the multiple breast neoplasm for its minimal invasion, quick wound healing, fewer complications, better cosmetic results and higher satisfaction from patients, particularly, it is favorable to removing the mass in breast hardly palpable.
出处 《皖南医学院学报》 CAS 2013年第1期20-22,共3页 Journal of Wannan Medical College
关键词 EnCor真空旋切系统 乳腺多发性肿块 微创手术 EnCor vacuum rotary biopsy system multiple breast neoplasm minimally invasive surgery
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