Objective :To assess the diagnostic value of hydrops on MRI presentation in the posterior inercondylar space to the lesion of cruciate ligaments. Methods:Retrospective analysis of the MRI imaging was petformed in 136 cases with cruciate ligament lesion confirmed by arthroscopy through statistical summary of the sensibility, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value between the hydrops in posterior intercondylar area and the lesion of cruciate ligaments. Results : Of the total 136 knee MRI images,cruciate ligament lesion was found in 41 cases,in which hydrops in the posterior intercondylar space were seen in 39 and free in another 2. In addition, the hydrops in posterior intercondylar area were observed in 53 of the 95 cases with no cruciate ligament lesion, yet 42 revealed no hydrops in the posterior intercondylar space. Estimation of the cruciate ligament lesion on hydorps in posterior intercndylar area basis led to a sensibility of 95.1% ,specificity of 44.2% ,positive predictive value of 42.4% and negative predictive value of 95.5%. Conclusion : If the synovium covering the cruciate ligaments remains intact, presence of the hydrops in posterior intercondylar area shall be associated with the minor hemorrhage and exudate due to the cruciate ligament injury. Similarly,absence of the hydrops in posterior intercondylar space may indicate less possible lesion of the cruciate ligaments.
Journal of Wannan Medical College
Magnetic resonance imaging
knee joint
posterior intercondylar area