7Fernandez, R. and PORTES, J., 1998, Returns to Regionalism: An Analysis of Non- Traditional Gains from Regional Trade Agreements, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol.8.No.2, nn197- 220.
8Price V. Curzon, "The Threat of 'Fortress Europe' from the development of Social and Industrial Policies at the European Level", 46 Aussenwirtschaft( 1991 ), pp. 119 - 138; and Timothy Carton Ash "Europe' s Endangered Lineral Order", in 72 (2) Fireign Affairs (March/April 1998), pp. 63 - 65.
9Price V. Curzon, "The Threat of 'Fortress Europe' from the development of Social and Industrial Policies at the European Level", 46 Aussenwirtschaft( 1991 ), pp. 119 - 138.
10Timothy Carton Ash "Europe' s Endangered Lineral Order", in 72 (2) Fireign Affairs (March/April 1998), pp. 63 - 65.