
成就动机理论视角下的知识型员工个体创新绩效实证研究——基于部分科技型组织的调查数据分析 被引量:28

An Empirical Study on the Individual Innovative Performance of Knowledge-oriented Staff Under the Achievement Motivation Theory Perspective: Data Collected From the Sci-Tech Organizations
摘要 知识型员工的个体创新对组织的创新和生存至关重要,对个体创新的研究一直是国际学术界研究的热点问题。成就动机理论认为,目标导向促使个体规范自己的行为,自发向取得创新绩效的方向投入时间、精力和其他创新资源。基于对263份有效问卷的调查分析,采用结构方程模型从创新个性、自我效能、学习型目标导向、改进型目标导向四个维度来分析它们对知识型员工个体创新绩效的影响以及它们之间的相互关系。 Knowledge workers or 'the creative class' are viewed as core to the competitiveness of a firm in a knowledge-based economy.Achievement motivation theory describes goal orientations as motivational orientations that capture how individuals regulate attention and effort when approaching,interpreting,and responding to achievement situations.With the help of the structural equation modeling and based on the 264 samples,this paper studies the crucial influencing factors and its relationship from four aspects,respectively,innovation avoidance,innovative personality,learning goal orientation,performance-prove goal orientation,and hope to do some contributions to the improvement of the individual innovative performance in sci-tech organizations.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期164-171,共8页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"中小企业开放式创新的商业化网络机制研究"(71202054) "中国情境下创业者决策及模式选择研究"(71172214)
关键词 成就动机理论 知识型员工 个体创新绩效 achievement motivation theory knowledge-oriented staff individual innovative performance
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