燕山大学黄真教授30余年来淡泊名利、潜心研究,在11项国家自然科学基金项目的持续资助下,在机构学领域取得了丰硕的创新成果,培养了大批卓有建树的国际知名机构学专家学者。他率先在中国开展了并联机器人的研究,建立了系统的并联机器人机构学分析与综合理论,包括基于螺旋理论修正的空间多闭环机构自由度计算公式,为自Chebyshev、Gr(u|¨)bler和Kutzbach以来困惑机构学界百余年的疑难问题提供了解决方法;发展并完善了少自由度并联机构的综合原理等。2010年获国际学术组织IFToMM授予的"卓越成就奖(Award of Merit)",是首位获得该奖的华人学者,对中国机构学走向国际前沿并在国际上占据一席之地做出了重要贡献。
With the support of 11 consecutive NSFC projects, Prof. Zhen Huang in Yanshan University has made great achievements in the domain of mechanisms over the last 30 years due to his devotion to the re- search and his little care for personal fame and benefits. Under his successful supervision, a batch of mech- anism specialists with international fame has emerged from among his students. Prof. Huang was the first person in China to start the research on the mechanisms of parallel manipulators. He has established sys- tematic theories on the analysis and synthesis of the mechanisms of parallel manipulators. In his theory he proposed the modified G-K formulas based on Screw Theory, which solved a problem that had bewildered the domain of mechanisms for more than a hundred years since the time of Chebyshev, Grtibler and Kutzbach. He developed the synthesis theory of lower-mobility parallel mechanisms. In the year 2010, Prof. Huang was presented the Award of Merit by IFToMM, the first Chinese to win this award. He has made significant contributions to the international promotion of mechanisms of China and to the internation- al prestige boasted of by mechanisms of China.
Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Natural Science Foundation of China, continuous funding, mechanism, parallel mech- anism