目的了解清远市2008—2011年手足口病流行病学特征,为手足口病预防控制工作提供依据。方法收集清远市疾病监测信息报告管理系统的手足口病个案信息,采用描述流行病学方法分析其流行病学特征。结果清远市2008—2011年共报告手足口病22 995例,死亡4例。各年报告病例数分别为1 048、3 474、6 832和11 637例,报告发病率分别为30.15/10万、98.92/10万、192.45/10万和314.65/10万。病例以5、6月份发病较多,占全部发病的37.69%。全市8个县(市、区)均有病例报告,以清城区、佛冈和清新3个县发病较高。病例发病以3岁及以下散居儿童为主(所占比例大于70%),男女性别比为1.95∶1。EV71为清远市手足口病的优势流行株,占62.79%。结论清远市报告手足口病病例数呈逐年增加趋势。每年夏季,应加强对3岁以下儿童手足口病的预防控制工作和手足口病病原的监测工作,清城区、佛冈县和清新县散居儿童是预防控制的重点。
[Objective]To understand the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD) in Qingyuan City from 2008 to 2011,provide the evidence for the prevention and control of HFMD.[Methods]The data of HFMD cases were collected from Qingyuan Disease Surveillance Information Management System,and the descriptive epidemiology method was applied to analyze its epidemiological characteristics.[Results]A total of 22 995 HFMD cases were reported in Qingyuan City from 2008 to 2011,which included 4 case of death.There were 1 048 cases,3 474 cases,6 832 cases and 11 637 cases in different year respectively,and the annual reported incidence was 30.15/lakh,98.92/lakh,192.45/lakh and 314.65/lakh,respectively.Most cases were reported during May to June,which accounted for 37.69% of the total cases.HFMD were reported in all 8 counties of Qingyuan City,but most occurred in Qingcheng District,Fogang County and Qingxin County.A majority of cases were scattered children below 3 years old(accounting for over 70%),and the ratio of male to female was 1.95∶ 1.Enterovirus 71 was the predominant strains of HFMD,which accounted for 62.79%.[Conclusion]The reported cases of HFMD show a rising trend year by year in Qingyuan City.The prevention and control of HFMD should be strengthened among children under 3 years old in summer.And the scattered children in Qingcheng District,Fogang County and Qingxin County are the high-risk population.
Occupation and Health
Hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD)