本文以不同波段、不同时相、不同比例尺的陆地卫星影像,应用假彩色光学合成、增强、密 度分割及计算机图像处理等方法,对福建东南沿海的断裂活动性及其与地震的相关性进行了判 读、分析,认为北东向和北西向断裂活动性较强,并呈网络状,形成本区现今断裂构造的总的格 架。近东西向断裂虽然在本区数量较少,活动性也相对较弱,但对断块的升降活动却起着不容忽 视的作用。
Fault activity and its relation to seismicity in southeastern Fujian Province have been interpreted and analysed from Landsat images of different band, time and scale.The results have shown that the NE- and NW-trending faults in the region display higher activity, appearing as a network, forming the general framework of the recent fault structures of the region. Nearly E-W-trending faults in the region have smaller number and lower activity. However, they played a nonnegligible role in vertical movement of the fault block in the region.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources