
基于人工蜂群算法的船闸高边坡岩体力学参数反分析 被引量:4

Rock Mechanics Parameters Back Analysis of High Slope of Ship Lock Basing on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
摘要 人工蜂群算法(ABCA)是一种模仿自然界中蜜蜂群采集蜂蜜的自组织过程,达到寻找复杂映射极值的智能算法。采用人工蜂群算法,对长江上游某船闸施工过程中,岩体开挖产生的高边坡进行岩体力学参数反分析。旨在通过反分析的手段得到的一组更加符合工程实际的岩体力学参数。将反分析得到的这些参数用于该船闸高边坡的开挖正算,并通过实际测点位移监测值和位移计算值的比较,评价反分析得到的这组参数的优劣性。 The Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ABCA) is a kind of intelligent algorithm which is used for searching extreme values in a complex function mapping. The ABCA is put forward in emulating the way in which bees collect honey in nature. Use of the ABCA is maken to make the back analysis of rock mechanics parameters of high slope due to the excavation procedure of a ship lock at upper reaches of Yangtze River. The objective is to get a group of rock mechanics parameters, which more satisfy the needs in construction engineering practice, by taking the method of back analysis. The obtained rock mechanics parameters, afterwards, are used in the displacement analysis of the same high slope. By the comparison of the calculating results with the monitoring points' records, the valuation of the required rock mechanics parameters is realized.
作者 王新 梁桂兰
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2013年第1期102-107,共6页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50909038) 教育部博士点基金(20090094120006) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2009B09714) 江苏省自然科学基金(BK2011743)资助
关键词 人工蜂群算法 ABCA 船闸高边坡 参数反分析 FLAC3D artificial bee colony algorithm ABCA high slope of ship lock back analysis of parame-ters Flac3 D
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