中华邻鞘叶蜂Monardoides sinicus Wei et Wu在浙江丽水1 a发生1代,以预蛹在石块缝和枯枝落叶间结茧越夏越冬,翌年3月下旬成虫羽化,卵产于嫩叶组织内,4月上中旬幼虫孵化。幼虫危害小蜡树和金叶女贞的嫩叶,危害期约1个月。通过春季修剪、秋冬季清除枯枝落叶和人工摘除有虫叶可控制该虫的危害。报道了该虫的卵、各龄幼虫及蛹的形态。
Monardoides sinicus Wei et Wu occurred one generation a year in Lishui.It oversummered and overwintered as prepupa in cocoon between small stones or in litter.The adult appeared in the last ten days of March the next year and laid eggs in the tissues of young leaves.The larva hatched in the beginning and mid of April and damaged young leaves of Ligustrum sinense and L.vicaryi.The damage lasted about one month.It could be controlled by pruning in spring,clearing litters in autumn and winter,artificial removing infested leaves.Its morphology of eggs,larvae and pupa was reported.
Forest Pest and Disease