
应用欠采样技术的多正弦波频率估计方法研究 被引量:1

Research on multiple frequencies estimation of sinusoidal signals with application of sub-Nyquist sampling technique
摘要 为了解决高频段信号由于受到A/D转换器和后续信号处理器件运算速度和成本的限制,提出一种用欠采样获得Nyquist采样的信号处理方法。将信号分成两路进行欠采样,根据两路信号构造一个新信号,得到一个虚拟的Nyquist采样值,进行傅里叶变换,单信号时直接得到所估计信号的频率值;多信号情况下在得到各信号频率估计值的同时,会得到因频率"交叉"引起的虚假频率点,通过对双路傅氏变换的结果进行处理可以消除虚假频率点。仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性。 To solve the problem of low computation speed and high cost caused by A/D converter and latter processors in high-frequency section, a novel method for multiple frequencies estimation of high-frequency sinusoidal signals based on sub-Nyquist is proposed. Signals are divided into two channels, which are sampled in sub-Nyquist frequency respectively. A new signal is constructed through the two channel signals to obtain a dummy Nyquist value. Fourier transformation is used to obtain the frequency estimation. The frequency can be obtained directly when there is only one signal. Under the circumstance of multi- ple signals, the two channels FT results are applied to eliminating the false frequency caused by frequency crossing. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2013年第3期116-120,共5页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(No.2010AA7070501J)
关键词 欠采样 多正弦波信号 Nyquist采样 低信噪比 sub-Nyquist sampling multiple sinusoidal signal Nyquist sampling low signal noise ratio
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