我院三年来通过校内外教学实习基地建设 ,提高教学质量的实践表明 :教学实践是高等教育中提高教学质量的一个重要环节 ;加强校内教学实习基地是做好校外实习基地工作的前提 ;知识和信息是建设校外实习基地的基础 ;
In the part three years ,some practice bases have been reconstructed both inside and outside the school for the purpose of improving teaching quality.Our experience illustrates :teaching practice is an important link in improving the puality of higher education;strengthening the pratice base inside the school is a prerequisite to the improvement of the work at the practice base outside the school;knowledge and information are regarded as the precondition of the practice base outside the school;humanistic principle of mutual benefit is the fundamental principle for strengthening the practice base outside the school.
Journal of Dongguan University of Technology