
神经管畸形孕母18~30周羊水叶酸、同型半胱氨酸、锌浓度变化分析 被引量:4

Analysing the changing rules of amniotic fluid folic acid,homocysteine and zinc in neural tube defects at 18-30 pregnant weeks
摘要 目的通过比较神经管畸形孕母与正常妊娠孕母18~30孕周羊水叶酸、同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)及锌浓度的差异,探讨孕中晚期羊水叶酸、Hcy及锌水平与神经管畸形发生的关系。方法对184例健康孕妇和60例孕神经管畸形胎儿孕妇18~30孕周羊水进行叶酸、Hcy和锌浓度测定。结果正常妊娠18~30孕周羊水叶酸浓度与孕周呈正相关关系,r=0.253,P=0.036;羊水Hcy及锌浓度与孕周呈负相关关系,相关性分别为r=-0.282,P=0.024;r=-0.260,P=0.031。神经管畸形孕妇羊水叶酸、Hcy及锌与孕周之间无明显相关关系,P>0.05。神经管畸形组孕妇羊水叶酸、Hcy浓度[中位数(四分位间距)]分别为11.34(8.45)ng/mL和5.75(9.47)μmol/mL,健康孕妇羊水叶酸、Hcy浓度分别为16.85(6.43)ng/mL和3.50(2.37)μmol/L,两组间差异有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论神经管畸形孕母18~30周羊水叶酸浓度低于正常妊娠孕妇,同型半胱氨酸浓度高于正常妊娠孕妇。 Objective To compare the difference of amniotic fluid folic acid,homocysteine(Hcy) and zinc concentrations in neu- ral tube defects pregnancy and normal pregnancy at 18--30 pregnant weeks, and Analyse the changing rules of amniotic fluid folic acid,Hcy and zinc in pregnancy with neural tube defect. Methods testing amniotic fluid folic acid, Hcy and zinc concentration in 184 cases of normal pregnant women and 60 pregnant women with neural tube defect. Results There was a positive correlation be tween normal pregnancy gestational age and amniotic fluid folic acid concentration at 18--30 gestational age, r= 0. 253, P = 0. 036; there were negative correlations in amniotic fluid Hcy and zinc concentrations with gestational age, r = - 0. 282, P = 0. 024; r = -0. 260, P = 0. 031. there were no obvious relationships in amniotic fluid ~olic acid, Hcy and zinc with gestational age in Neural tube defect group,P〉0.05. The differences is statistically significant between Neural tube defect group and nomal pregnant women in amniotic fluid folic acid and Hcy concentrations,P〈0.05. Conclusion There were lower folic acid concertration and higher homo- cysteine lever in neural tube defect pregnancy than normal pregnancy.
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第3期280-281,284,共3页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 羊水 叶酸 半胱氨酸 孕中晚期 amniotic fluid folic acid cysteine,zinc middle-late pregnant
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