
分批运输的物流调度 被引量:4

Logistics scheduling with batching and transportation
摘要 研究了一般性的两个阶段的调度问题,第一阶段加工不同价值的工件,第二阶段把加工完的工件分批,并以不同的方式运送到指定的目的地.目标函数是使运输时间和运输费用的总和达到最小.由于本问题不仅包含了加权完工时间这一传统的评价尺度,并且包含了运输安排和费用,这两个条件都是物流调度的重要因素,所以我们称这个问题为整批运输的物流调度问题. This paper studies two-stage scheduling problem, in which different important jobs are processed in the first stage and then, in the second stage, the completed jobs need to be batched and to be delivered to various pre-specified destinations by available transportation modes. Our objective is to minimize the sum of weighted job delivery time and total transportation cost. Since this problem involves not only the traditional performance measurement, but also transportation arrangement and cost, we call this problem logistics scheduling with batching and transportation problem.
作者 李岩 张海波
出处 《吉林化工学院学报》 CAS 2013年第1期83-86,共4页 Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
关键词 排序 整批 运输 绩效保证 sequencing batching transportation performance guarantee
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