
男性尿道分泌物1314份病原谱分析 被引量:6

Analyses on the bacterigraphy of the male urethrosecretion 1314 cases
摘要 目的分析男性尿路感染的病原谱,探讨防止男性尿路感染慢性化的途径。方法对男性尿道分泌物进行湿片及干片染色镜检和尿常规分析,明确有无尿道感染及病原体种类,检测滴虫和白念珠菌等;以细菌培养法检测淋球菌、加德纳菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白念珠菌等致病菌,以免疫金标法检测衣原体等;按病原体的种类和种数进行数据统计。结果 1314例尿道分泌物共检出病原体12类2084株,根椐检出的病原体种类可将尿道炎细分为9种。多数急性尿道炎是由淋病奈瑟菌、支原体和衣原体等单一感染引起(580/736),菌株数为946株;由MCP、加德纳菌等多重感染引起的慢性尿道炎有431例,菌株数为1124株。两者病原体株数差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。部分病例有5种以上病原体感染,部分病例镜检白细胞、红细胞、上皮细胞数明显异常,但培养均未检出细菌。结论急、慢性尿道炎的病原体有明显差异,尿道分泌物的病原谱分析可为临床正确诊断、治疗尿道炎症提供依椐。慢性尿道炎病例可出现MUBV现象及ASU病例。 Objective To investigate the pathogens spectrum of the male urinary tract infection( UTI), and explore how to prevent the chronic male UTI. Methods Analysis by microscopic examination of stained wet specimens, dry specimens, routine urine test on male urethral discharge, to figure out the urethra with or without infec- tion and types of pathogens. Detect the Initial inspection of Trichomonas , Candida albicans et al; bacterial culture detection of N. Gonorrhoeae, Gardnerella, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and other pathogens,use the immune gold standard method to detect chlamydia Etc. Mathematical statistics according to the type and number of species of pathogens. Results One thousand three hundred and fourteen cases of urethral discharge were detected the number of pathogens is 2084 plant of 12 class. According to the detection of pathogen species urethritis can be broken down into 9 kinds 1211 cases. Most acute urethritis caused by neisseria gonorrhoeae, mycoplasma, chlamydia single infection(580/736), the strains number is 946 ; there were 431 cases of chronic urethritis by MCP, Gardnerella, multiple infectioned, s the strains number is 1124. Both the pathogen number have significant differences in statistically( P 〈 0.01 ). Some cases have at least five kinds of pathogens, resembles the female vaginal flora, the number of some white blood cells, red blood cells, epithelial cells were obvious abnormalities, but both of microscopic examination and culture were not detected in bacteria. Conclusion Acute and chronic urethritis pathogens have significant difference, Pathogens spectrum of the urethral discharge can provide the basis for a correct clinical diagnosis and treat- ment of urethritis. The cases of aseptic urethritis and the phenomenon of male urethral flora vaginaize appear in the chronic urethritis cases.
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第2期174-176,共3页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
关键词 男性尿道炎 病原谱分析 尿道菌群阴道化 无菌性尿道炎 Male urethritis Bacteriography analyses The MUBV Diagnose and treatment
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