
Monomorphism categories associated with symmetric groups and parity in finite groups

Monomorphism categories associated with symmetric groups and parity in finite groups
摘要 Monomorphism categories of the symmetric and alternating groups are studied via Cayley's Em-bedding Theorem. It is shown that the parity is well defined in such categories. As an application, the parity in a finite group G is classified. It is proved that any element in a group of odd order is always even and such a group can be embedded into some alternating group instead of some symmetric group in the Cayley's theorem. It is also proved that the parity in an abelian group of even order is always balanced and the parity in an nonabelian group is independent of its order. Monomorphism categories of the symmetric and alternating groups are studied via Cayley’s Em bedding Theorem. It is shown that the parity is well defined in such categories. As an application, the parity in a finite group G is classified. It is proved that any element in a group of odd order is always even and such a group can be embedded into some alternating group instead of some symmetric group in the Cayley’s theorem. It is also proved that the parity in an abelian group of even order is always balanced and the parity in an nonabelian group is independent of its order.
作者 ZHANG YueHui
出处 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第3期525-530,共6页 中国科学:数学(英文版)
关键词 monomorphism categories Cayley’s theorem PARITY balanced group 奇偶校验 对称群 有限群 Cayley Abel群 床上用品 偶数阶 奇数阶
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