对单模光纤的开关特性进行了分析和计算 ,得出了色散光纤中不仅存在开关信号延迟的结果 ,而且开关速度将受到限制 .给出了计算色散光纤及色散补偿光纤开关时间 (上升时间或下降时间 )的公式。公式表明 ,色散光纤的开关时间与色散绝对值的平方根成正比 ,与长度的平方根成正比。工作在 1.55μm波长、长 1km的 G.6 52光纤 ,开关时间约为 7ps。采用色散补偿技术时 ,开关时间与各段光纤色散与长度乘积的累加和的绝对值的平方根成正比。合理选择各段光纤的参数 ,可使开关时间降到1ps以下 ,这时影响开关时间的将是高阶色散。
This paper analyzes and calculates the switching characteristics of a single-mode optical fiber,drawing the conclusion that not only the switching signal will be delayed but also the switching speed will be limited.The formula of calculating switching time (rise time and fall time) of dispersion compensating fibers is given.The results indicate that the switching time of a dispersion fiber is proportional to the square root of the absolute value of the fiber dispersion,and is proportional to the square root value of the fiber length,too.The switching time of 1 km G.652 fiber operating at 1.55 μm is about 7 ps.In dispersion compensating fibers,the switching time is proportional to the square root of the absolute value of the accumulating sum of the product of the dispersion and length.If selecting appropriate parameter of each section of fiber,the switching time may be decreased to less than 1ps,in this case the switching time may be limited by the higher order dispersion.
Optical Communication Technology
switching characteristics of a fiber
dispersion compensation
switching time