
行星齿轮机构弹性动力学建模 被引量:3

The Transmission for the Elasto-dynamic Study
摘要 通过把行星齿轮机构划分成几个相互关联的子系统 ,应用牛顿第二定律 ,详细推导了行星齿轮的振动公式 ,建立了系统的弹性动力学分析模型。纠正了文献中的错误公式 ,为系统地研究行星齿轮机构的动力学行为和行星齿轮机构的减振奠定了理论基础。 By dividing the planetary mechanism into several sub systems, and based on the Newton Second Principle, the differential equations of motion for the mechanism is derived in details and the mathematical model for elasto dynamic analysis of a planetary mechanism is set up. Mistakes in earlier publication are modified. The foundation is theoretically laid for the systematically dynamic analyzing of planetary transmission.
作者 杨建明
出处 《桂林电子工业学院学报》 2000年第2期48-52,共5页 Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology
关键词 数学模型 行星齿轮机械 固有频率 弹性动力学 planetary transmission, eigen frequency, elasto dynamic analysis
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