本文针对现有大气腐蚀数据库存在的不足 ,在 Windows 95操作系统下以 Visual Basic5 .0为平台 ,辅助于 Foxpro2 .6中的库和图形编制出新型钢的大气腐蚀数据库管理分析系统。它具有数据处理、数据比较、数据查询、系数查询 4个功能模块。除现有数据库的功能外 ,本数据库可对计算结果进行分析 ,更为广泛地用于材料的评价 ,选择 ,设计 。
A database management system is compiled with Visual Basic5.0 platform and with the aid of the library and figure in Foxpro2.6 under the operation system of MicroSoft Windows 95 which includes 4 functional modules of data process, data comparison, data inquiry and coefficient inquiry. It is used for solving the database deficiency of atmospherical steel corrosion. In addition to the existing function of the database, it can analyse the result of calculation and be widely used in material evaluation, selection, design, preservative coating projecting and in the research of causes and regularity of atmospherical corrosion.
Journal of Liaoning Institute of Technology(Natural Science Edition)